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We’re supporting RadioReverb this weekend

We like to support community events around Sussex. We also like all kinds of music. So RadioReverb, a community radio station, ticks all those boxes.

Reverb has no advertising and no set playlists – DJs can play whatever they like. It makes for great shows and if you don’t like a track then something very different will follow. Plus there are shows on comedy, football and all sorts of other things.

Reverb celebrates it’s 8th birthday this weekend and is having a fundraising weekend of live shows, from 8pm on Friday 6th March to midnight on Sunday 8th. Local bands will play live sessions, the Albion Roar football show will get more time than usual and to mark International Women’s Day, there will be all-female presenters for the Sunday shows. All this and a brand new show about food and drink.

Quick HR is proud to sponsor the brilliant Burden Of Proof show at 9am on Saturday and Time For T, the UK’s only trans radio show, at 7pm on Sunday.

Reverb’s asking for donations to help them keep going, so please click on the big yellow “donate” button on their website. You can hear the shows by clicking on “listen live” – enjoy!

If you make £20 (or more) donations then you will become an official supporter, named on their website and they’ll send you details of events. If you’re interested in sponsoring a live show over the weekend for £60 or more, use this link.


RadioReverb raised £3,000 from the event which covers their costs for 3 months. You can sponsor their shows, either weekly or monthly, at any time.

It’s a brilliant radio station and has listeners around the UK and other countries. You don’t have to live in Brighton and Hove to enjoy it – apart from the occasional show, such as the wonderful business show, it doesn’t just focus on local events. Give it a go and see what you think.