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Everything’s changing – but what and when?

“What’s the new Government doing about employment law? When will we know all the details?” The short answer is soon, but not yet. We’ve had a few headlines and there are some pretty safe bets, such as extending the right to request…
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Working with friends and family

Can you manage your friend and say when she or he is causing problems? Can you do this to your partner and then share a bed later? We work with many firms where friends either got together to launch the endeavours or partners came in to work…
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Why spend any time on employment contracts? Money, for a start

When you change jobs, you might notice your new employment contract is different to the last one. Apart from different logos and fonts, it's worth checking for any significant differences quickly – maybe more or less holiday than you’ve…

Want to see Brian drop from the top of the i360?

I'm abseiling down the i360 tower to raise cash for the brilliant Martlets Hospice, as part of the Shaun The Sheep events. It's 450 ft. Gulp! I'm a little bit nervous about this (massive understatement), so if you donate and hand over any…

Don't panic ... not yet anyway

UPDATE: We will have a new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, and she takes over the role on 6th September. It's being reported that she will quickly announce plans that may include freezing energy bills, although that's only speculation and there are…
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Employ full-timers only? You're missing out

As the economy picks up and your business is expanding, it may be worth considering employing new staff on a part-time basis. Maybe you need more help but cannot justify the costs of a full-time worker? If you are replacing staff, do you really…
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Brexit and travel between UK and EU

Let’s start by saying this is relevant advice now but things might change. We'll update this blog if they do. Many firms we work with have people moving between countries, either permanently or for a fixed period of time or just for business…
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Furlough extends again

So here we go again: the furlough scheme's extended on the same arrangements until the end of September 2021. We're updating this blog as things are fleshed out or change. Furlough scheme It's now available until September 2021 with…
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Job Support Scheme: quick FAQs

UPDATE: Honestly, there's no point reading this. It's been completely changed and now it's been abandoned for November. Check here for the latest news about furloughs: https://www.quickhr.biz/furlough-extends-and-lockdown-is-back/   So,…
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Don’t panic – but act quickly

Wow. Okay, everyone’s talking about working from home, worrying about Coronavirus and stockpiling toilet rolls. We’re living in interesting times. Don’t panic. But before you get overtaken by events – and the worst case scenarios…
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Visa changes and moving to the UK

What happens if firms cannot hire enough people to make goods, look after people and wait on customers? We might find out soon. The Government has outlined plans for a points-based immigration system after the UK leaves the EU. The immediate…

Pacman and other Halloween pumpkins

Apart from her HR talents, Melissa carves amazing Halloween pumpkins. This year’s model is Pacman!  
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People on medications: Brexit worries

Everybody works with someone who is taking medication of some sort. You just might not know about it. One worry about Brexit is any disruption to the way medications get into the UK and are available to people. More than 60% of medications…
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Want to see Brian drop 500ft?

I'm abseiling down the i360 tower on Thursday 4th July to raise cash for the brilliant Clock Tower Sanctuary, a charity helping homeless young people. I'm a little bit nervous about this, so please click on the link and hand over any pennies…
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Local, national, international - a Big Debate

All kinds of people came to the latest Big Debate: should local firms push themselves to get customers further away? Maybe outside the UK? Not surprisingly, the consensus was yes - with great tips for how to win work and build global companies.…
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Working at home or everyone in an office?

My colleague Brian recently wrote a blog about the difficulties of hiring locally and thinking about relocating staff to work for you, with some handy tips and food for thought. But, as I sit in my kitchen, working remotely, I question why…
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“We can’t get local candidates”

Some job searches are tougher than others. Advertise for a part-time admin role and you’ll get 20 CVs in a day or so. Start searching for a developer with specialised skills or for a senior role with precise definitions of industry, product…
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Parents, sickness and minimum wage – what you have to pay

Compulsory pay rates for various situations have just increased: the minimum wage, maternity and paternity pay as well as sick pay, if your company doesn’t pay people normal salaries when they are absent from work through illness. To help…