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Work disputes - less risk of a Tribunal claim?

Feeling hard done by at work? Sacked unfairly or victimised because you’re somehow different to the others? You’re probably aware of Employment Tribunals but you might have seen publicity about fees and the falling numbers of Tribunal claims. People…
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We won – and it’s new case law

Although grappling with legal issues is a regular part of the job, we don’t often get a chance to add to employment law. We have now. Apart from when new laws come into effect, employment law changes through decisions involving cases and…
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We’re supporting RadioReverb this weekend

We like to support community events around Sussex. We also like all kinds of music. So RadioReverb, a community radio station, ticks all those boxes. Reverb has no advertising and no set playlists - DJs can play whatever they like. It makes…
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We're supporting Women's History Festival

We’re supporting Brighton Women’s History Festival – a new event with talks, guided tours, films, workshops and exhibitions. Taking place on Saturday 14th March, the festival includes events about suffragettes, women in policing, the…
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Jobs and pay: how does Brighton compare?

Are more people freelancers or setting up their own businesses in Brighton and Hove than in other areas? What about pay levels: are they higher or lower here than in neighbouring towns? Interesting and revealing details about the kinds of jobs,…
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High numbers of new start-ups

Hot on the heels of news about a high level of start-ups around Sussex, there’s a breakdown showing how many people are forming new companies out of each area’s population. The Guardian’s calculated that 16 out of every 1,000 people launched…
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"Greatest hits" training for busy managers

We’re running a practical "greatest hits" training course for busy managers, to improve your skills and confidence in a wide range of areas. Avoid walking into legal disputes when you are recruiting, developing people or dealing with problems…
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Juggling work and children: a mum's story

For the umpteenth time I find myself rushing out the door, half way up the road,  late, son in tow and I have fluffy slippers on.  Surely not as bad as turning up at work with a small child asleep in the back of the car…..I had forgotten…
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Flexible working – now everyone can ask for it

Want to reduce your working hours, change your working pattern or work from home? All employees now have the right to ask for these changes, as long as you’ve been employed for 26 weeks (six months). Previously it was limited to parents and…
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Pay well? Tell everyone

Do you pay employees at least £7.85 an hour? If you’re not sure, that’s a salary of £15,100 - £16,300 depending on the length of your working week (based on 37-40 hours a week). If you’ve answered yes, and most digital media companies…
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5 tips to help you interview

Ever met someone and then realised a while later that your first impressions weren’t 100% accurate? Perhaps because they were more polite than normal or for some reason they were making an effort, then relaxed when they got to know you. If…
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More money for holiday pay

Does your company ask people to work extra hours for paid overtime? If the answer’s yes, then it could mean changing the way you calculate holidays. A ruling by the Employment Appeal Tribunal might mean that people who regularly get paid…
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Having a baby? Want to share time off work?

If someone becomes a parent, they usually know the basic rules about time off work: men get 2 weeks and women can have up to a year. There are, of course, other rights but they tend to be less well-known. Now that’s all changed. Shared Parental…
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New year - new you?

The change from an old to a new year is always a great time to reflect on what’s worked and what hasn’t worked for us, and to think about what we want to do differently in the next year. Many people will come up with a list of resolutions…
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Support for community events

We believe strongly in supporting community events and activities around Sussex. During 2014, Quick HR has provided sponsorship and/or practical support to a wide range of charities, arts events and organisations including: Baked Worthing http://www.bakedworthing.co.uk/ Brighton…
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Have a very merry Christmas!

December can be hectic with work deadlines, choosing gifts and going to Christmas events - and then you get to Christmas Day. We've been juggling work and socialising too including Christmas events by Wired Sussex, Brighton Business Curry Club,…
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Recruitment - hire the best

Every company has to recruit new people - whether you're replacing someone who's left, expanding the company or just need someone with new skills. Brian and Melissa ran a recruitment and interview training course for Brighton and Hove Chamber…
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Top 10 for creating new jobs

Brighton and Hove is in Britain's top 10% areas for creating new jobs. The Office for National Statistics business register and employment survey ranks Brighton and Hove 38th out of 380 local authority areas in Great Britain for employment…